How to create a GitLab scheduled pipeline

Jun 26, 2020 GitLab

GitLab supports pipeline schedules that can be used to also run pipelines at specific intervals, see [here]. One typical usage is to run some administration jobs periodically, for instance, rotate database password every 90 days to meet security compliance. A regular GitLab pipeline consists of multiple stages/jobs. One typical example is as follows:

  - build
  - admin_jobs
  - test
  - deploy

And the admin_jobs stage is where the rotate_db_password resides in.

Meanwhile, however, we would like to only include the pick up stages/jobs that related to rotate_db_password in our scheduled pipeline. For this scenario, one simple workaround is to add except clause in each of other stages or jobs.

Using except: schedules

Adding this except clause to other jobs will exclude them from any pipeline schedules.

  stage: build
    - schedules
Using except: variables

However, sometimes, we would like the other stages/jobs been picked up by some of the pipeline schedules. In such scenarios, we can use except with variables:

  stage: build

and in our rotate_db_password job, we need to add only clause for it:

  stage: admin_jobs
      - schedules

And lastly, in the GitLab pipeline schedules web page, we need to add this ROTATE_DB_PASSWORD variable and set it to true.